Climber By Cuno 2021 SS



CLIMBER BY CUNO turns this distinct and interesting transformation into a new design logic with a most positive approach. Designs that move to a newer more interesting and consistent collection express the 2021 spring/summer period powerfully. An integral line of comfortable, multipurpose urban wear with character makes a powerful transformation absolute.

 More stylish and different

 With the strongest combinations of the SS2021 season

 In the new era, where handcraft is important, the tailor’s raises the value to the surface. There is a razor-sharp appearance. Masculine lines and clean finishes, sharp suits are the main idea of the collection. Enriched with accessories, sewn with light material, masculine forms and sharp lines take the stage.

Suits, jackets and pants make a distinction with new linear patterns and thick block lines. Jacquard design jackets, techno surface fabric and jacket forms, summer coats that are made of techno and futuristic textures again, pant designs in patterns that make many di erent looks possible for narrow and wide shapes, robot cut forms with powerful details and special summer jackets and trench coats with a simple quality.

 characteristic, comfortable and multifunctional

This collection we could describe as an innovative season, the looks that complete each other with a more integral structure, the high-quality product groups that liberate with each piece and the quality details in everything from the fabric selection to the form, holds visual richness, diversity and di erent alternatives and choices.

Geometric and grill type designs have been updated. Styles of the street have been blended with Japanese Indigo blue e ects. We add performance features to daily clothing by using bleach e ects.

We are trying digital laser surface abrasion to create denim e ects with a futuristic street clothing aesthetic.

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